Barrows Lane

Please see below for the updated Inquiry programme along with MS Teams links to the remaining sessions which will be held virtually. Please note the respective start times.


APPEAL REF: APP/P4605/W/24/3342499

LPA REFERENCE: 2022/06190/PA

Erection of up to 87 dwellings, demolition of existing sports pavilion with replacement improved sports pavilion with associated infrastructure and access at Land off Barrows Lane, Former Co-op Playing Pitches, Yardley, Birmingham.

Planning application reference 2022/06190/PA at Land off Barrows Lane, Former Co-op Playing Pitches, Yardley, Birmingham, B26 1SA for “Erection of up to 87 dwellings, demolition of existing sports pavilion with replacement improved sports pavilion with associated infrastructure and access” was refused by Birmingham City Council on 23 October 2023.

The applicant Persimmon Homes submitted an appeal to the Planning Inspectorate which will be considered by a Planning Inspector through a public inquiry (APP/P605/W/24/3342499).

The public inquiry will start at 10:00am on Tuesday 23rd July 2024 at the following venue:

Birmingham City Council, 10 Woodcock Street, Birmingham, B7 4BL.

It is expected to last for approximately 7-8 days. Subsequent inquiry dates are Wednesday 24th, Thursday 25th, Friday 26th, Monday 29th, Tuesday 30th, Wednesday 31st July and Friday 2nd August 2024 (note as the venue is not available this day will be virtual).

Any interested persons may attend and, at the Inspector's discretion, give their views, or send someone else to attend on their behalf. If you wish to speak you are encouraged to attend in person, reporting to the venue by 9:45 am.

Closing Submissions (to be held virtually) – 11.30 on Monday 9th September.

 Teams link below:

 Join the meeting now


All core documents associated with the appeal are available to download below. 

Other appeal documents such as the Council and Appellant’s Proofs of Evidence can also be viewed below, or on the Council website at the link below by using the LPA reference 2022/06190/PA: